Thanks for writing this article. I really liked this, and felt eerily similar to you. Although I have been a registered Green for almost 30 years, since 1996 (having been the typically conditioned, unaware Dem for 20 years previous to that), I just wanted to add that, throughout Trump's first four years, I always had the feeling that we never had the chance to experience any of Trump's "vision" in action... UNLESS that part of the vision also aligned itself with the corporate/establishment/MIC agenda (like Syria, tax benefits for the wealthy, etc). He had roadblocks/obstacles (the completely bullshit Russia-gate, political impeachment proceedings, etc) put in front of him every step of the way to prevent him from doing anything that might be even slightly construed as populist. So, I felt we never knew whether he was capable of any positive change for the average citizen... that's, of course... IF (and this may be a big "IF") he ever really even had any desire/intention to do so to begin with. Who knows whether he really did/does, or whether this term will be any different (in terms of power_structure/MIC roadblocks). Great article, and, as long as your site allows for re-publishing, I may email it out to others.

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This is awesome. I’m glad I stumbled on your article.

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Thank you for the thumbs up!

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Common sense tells us that when one individual gets viciously attacked by corporate media and has his life threatened constantly, that he is a threat to the agendas. Billions and billions of dollars have been spent to stop him. In the end, the best case scenario is that he and his team will finally level the "playing field" and that humanity will begin to use its unlimited creativity to start building a new paradigm, one that we so desire. It is such a wonderful time to be alive, to watch the old devolving to allow room for the new.

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I like your sentiment Valora!

Thanks for the comment.


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Exciting times my friend!

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That made me smile. And I totally felt (unexpectedly) the same.

"Not that I have any expectations that a Trump administration will be all rainbow-farting unicorns, but something better than this." Hell yeah.

I loved the goodbyes. Good idea! I may do the same, more ritualized with a fire or something.


Thanks, Philip.

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Thanks man!


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