I woke up at around 2am this morning as I do sometimes, and decided to peek at the election results. As it turns out, we were just in time to catch Trump’s victory speech.
I would not have bet on having results for a week while the polls got manipulated, but it seems one of two things happened: either Trump was ordained to win, or it was too big a gap to cheat it out to be any other way.
I went back to bed, and woke up at my usual time feeling something very interesting to me.
I felt relief.
Don’t hate - if I’m being honest that is what I feel.
Like I had been holding my breath for a long time. Not that I have any expectations that a Trump administration will be all rainbow-farting unicorns, but something better than this.
How curious how much better I feel about things than I did.
I don’t think I could take one more day of these spooks and creeps who lie bald-faced like it’s second nature to them.
So, maybe I’ll take this opportunity to say goodbye to these pricks.
Goodbye Angry Dad Joe Biden. You were one of the most corrupt politicians in history. I think what they did to you in the years of your Alzheimer’s was criminal, and the people around you should be arrested for elder abuse. But you were definitely up for it. I am under no illusion that you were calling any of the shots, but you did a nice job lying for them, and getting your family set for life. Now that they are withholding your amphetamines, the next stop is hospice. I hope you enjoy the pudding. For Jill, Hunter and the rest, karma is a bitch.
Goodbye all the spokes-people. Karine-Jean, Matthew Miller, Antony Blinken, et al. - may your smug, arrogant, lying deeds, and the faces of the people who died in Ukraine, Gaza and elsewhere on your watch haunt your sleep for the rest of your lives. I hope you find comfort in the money they paid you.
For the DNC stalwarts, Obama’s, Hillary - what a gross miscalculation you made.
Barack, I think you finally showed all those people who loved you who you really are. I don’t think there is any coming back from that. You shamed and maligned your own race. Now you and Big Mike can fade back into the woodwork of Martha’s Vineyard.
Hillary, gross. A special message for you and Voldemort Bill: please go away. If I never saw or heard from you again, it would be too soon.
For the rest of the Democrats in Congress, the Schiffs and the Goldmans and the Wasserman-Schultz’s: there is a special place in hell for all of you. I suggest you find it.
Kamala… for someone who never got a primary vote for any governmental position, you almost pulled it off. You can lose the earpiece now. It didn’t help. No, it wasn’t because of the men who don’t like women. It was all because of you. It would have been one of the greatest psyops in history. I’m glad it didn’t work out.
Phew, I feel better now. Guess I needed to vent all of that.
Looking to the future, we seem to have the greatest collection of Marvel Comic Superheros ever assembled. Trump, Vance, Elon, RFK Jr., Tulsi - you have an opportunity here to do something historic. Don’t screw it up.
End the war in Ukraine. Tell Israel to get over themselves and grow up. Partner with Russia and China - enough with the saber-rattling and death-eaters. America first - not an afterthought. Leverage with BRICS and become the America that the rest of the world looks to with Fear and Awe. Only lose the fear. It’s not necessary.
End NATO, end the FED. And last, but not least, expose the Pentagon as the true power center of the U.S., and bring an end to it. We will have your back. Reel in Congress, and remind them of their job.
To serve the American People.
I am not naive. I don’t know how much good can actually be accomplished, regardless of their good intentions.
But I’m certainly willing to entertain the possibility.
If nothing else, it feels like we're moving away from the cliff, not checking our parachutes.
This is awesome. I’m glad I stumbled on your article.
Common sense tells us that when one individual gets viciously attacked by corporate media and has his life threatened constantly, that he is a threat to the agendas. Billions and billions of dollars have been spent to stop him. In the end, the best case scenario is that he and his team will finally level the "playing field" and that humanity will begin to use its unlimited creativity to start building a new paradigm, one that we so desire. It is such a wonderful time to be alive, to watch the old devolving to allow room for the new.