“In economic policy, austerity is a set of political-economic policies that aim to reduce government budget deficits through spending cuts, tax increases, or a combination of both. There are three primary types of austerity measures: higher taxes to fund spending, raising taxes while cutting spending, and lower taxes and lower government spending.”
So I have been saying for a few months ever since Biden got coup’ed that it seems to me that Trump has not clawed his way back or Kamala has bumbled her way to ineptitude so much.
I believe it is more a matter of Trump has been ordained to win.
Ordained by whom? The Elite, the Deep State, the Powerful - the ones who really run things and determine policy that are just parroted by well-meaning dupes, and sold-out media-heads and political players.
See, I have this theory that these same people are really long-game. It doesn’t matter who gets into office as long as it’s one of the two ruling parties. Let’s face it, it’s only 4 years. And the fact of the matter is that there are policies that can be adopted that are specific to one or the other primary political party that benefit these elites.
Democrats are in office? Great! We will institute Part B of our overall policy push. Republicans? Switch over to Part A. There is an overall plan, but it can be instituted in pieces depending on who’s in power at any given time. Again, it doesn’t matter as long as it’s one of the two.
Why do you think Bernie got shut down in 2016? Didn’t fit with the plan.
Trump was a temporary departure because he was a wild card in that he didn’t know he was supposed to be controllable, and he said the quiet parts out loud.
That’s why he was skewered for 7 years straight until they figured out Trump, and Trump figured out the game.
I wasn’t sure about this until I saw Anderson Cooper make Kamala look like an idiot that I knew the fix was in. Anderson said one sentence too much. And I knew that if the fix wasn’t in, he never would have said what he said, and left her gaping like a bass with a hook in its mouth.
So why the switch? Why did they move over to Trump? What do they want over the next four years?
The answer is the title. They want austerity. It’s not about balancing the budget. It’s about nut-crushing austerity. Never mind that they just laundered 200 billion dollars plus between Ukraine and Israel. It’s time for you and me to pay the piper.
How do I know this? Because they are about to put Elon Musk in charge of economics. That’s right, the autistic trillionaire is going to be deciding what we need and how we should live.
Elon is great is some ways, but he is absolutely out-of-touch when it comes to the life of the average American. They are ready to team him up with the libertarian Ron Paul and their ilk to tackle this 3.5 trillion dollar deficit.
If you think you’ve seen an unresponsive and uncaring government recently, you ain’t seen nothing yet. This will be their excuse to cut the knees off any type of social programs, including Medicare and Social Security. It’s no accident that they have taken to calling those programs “entitlements” in recent years.
And trust me when I say, nothing they do is going to harm the wealthy status-quo. The cannon is firmly aimed at everyone else. This is why they flooded the U.S. with immigrants in the previous 4 years. They backed everyone into a corner in which there is no choice but to institute these belt-tightening measures.
And this will be the start of the true “banana republic” phase of our end-stage Capitalism. Like Ouroboros, the snake will be consuming itself.
And while Trump may offer relief in some ways to the average citizen, in four years he will be gone, but the austerity measures will continue.
The people who benefit from all of this can stand on their heads for four years. It matters not. The long-game continues unabated.
And in our myopic view, we are none the wiser.
Very astute, Philip. I agree completely but still think this will be working in our favor, as an apocaloptimist.
Also, I just saw that Ron Paul's been sucked into the Musk psyop. Another one bites the dust!